
Logan City Council


Logan, Queensland

Traditional Place Name/ Indigenous Country






Landscape Architecture

Urban Design




Unlocking safe pedestrian and cycle access into the Logan Gardens for users of all abilities

The Logan Gardens Shared Parkway is the realisation of a key initiative outlined in the national award-winning Logan Central Civic + Community Precinct Plan and will unlock the full geographic recreational potential of this immense public parkland asset.

During daylight hours, the provision of shared access will enhance safety and also foster passive and active surveillance throughout the parkland. This will encourage diverse and widespread use, creating a high-amenity, high-quality pedestrian, cyclist, scooter, and skate movement network seamlessly connected to local streets.  

The heart of this project lies in its pedestrian and cyclist-friendly design. Traditional black asphalt and curbs are intentionally avoided in favour of a design that incorporates tan-coloured asphalt and colourful artwork integrated pavement patterns in a distinctive non-motorised movement network.

The shared parkway thoughtfully follows the route of the existing wide pathway network and has been seamlessly integrated into the forested landscape using innovative no-dig pavement methods where possible.

Additional car parking, seating, and equitable access will allow more residents, community groups and visitors to enjoy the natural beauty of the gardens, further strengthening Logan Gardens role as a destination parkland in Logan City. 

What were the challenges?

What were our solutions?

How did we add value?